Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Initial Reflection

Gecko Fosse, a teenage criminal is among one of the 3 has driven in a getaway car. Terence Florian ran with the worst gang in Chicago and Arjay Moran killed someone. These boys are basically criminals who have done terrible things and are sent to New York City where they are held in a Juvenile detention center until they get a second chance in life, by a man named Douglas Healy. Healy's job is to keep these boys out of trouble as he experiments to try to get them to make a difference in their lives. He does this by helping these young adults to become more responsible and to make them seem more accepted in life. He asks them to help people in charity work and also attend school on a regular basis.

What would you do if you had a second chance in life?


  1. a second chance is everything that most kids who realized they made a mistake are wishing and constantly hoping for. In my case, i would take the second chance given and do a complete turn around of my life, exceeding far more then anyone thought and prove everyone wrong who said i cant.

  2. if i had a second chance in life, i would take back all the wrong things ive done, and approached life in a different way, if i knew what i know now it would be a completely different life

  3. If I had a second chance in life, I would go back in time to the start of high school and get focused way earlier so I wouldnt be in the whole I am now.

  4. If.I.Had.A.Second.Chance.In.Life.I.Wuould.Visit.Italy.To.See.My.Grandmother.Before.She.Past.Away.So.I.Could.Meet.Her...

  5. If i had a second chance in life i would have changed my class so they were no so pointless and take classes to would be better for me

  6. If i were given a second chance at life, i would do everything i would have ever wanted. But why do i not start that today? You cant really go back into time but just make the best of what you have all the time.

  7. I'd maybe try to do something totally different if I had a second chance. I'd try a different path, and live a totally different life from what I'm doing now. I'd like to see if it would make me just as happy, or if I made the right decision the first time around

  8. If i had a second chance in life, i would be more careful about things, and of coarse i would live life to the fullest, and enjoy every moment of it!
